Friday, February 24, 2017

#FandomFriday Cathy Interview

Hello everyone welcome to another Fandom Friday. I had so much fun asking questions about one of my favorite characters from Once Upon A Time, Cora Mills.  I interviewed Cathy about one of her favorite Once characters . The one and only Cora!!!

1. Did Cora love Henry or was it a marriage of convenience?
   Cathy- I can say that, it is a marriage of convenience cause she badly wants to be a queen or to rise higher in the kingdom. She wants to get out of poverty.

2. Was Cora jealous of the relationship Henry and Regina had?
   Cathy-  No, definitely not jealous. cause she has her own approach, her way on loving her daughter.

3. Do you think Cora wanted revenge on Regina for sending her to Wonderland or do you think she liked ruling her own kingdom?
   Cathy- Nope. On the contrary, I think she was pleased by it. She got challenged cause her daughter was getting stronger, Like the way she wanted

4. What do you think was going through Cora's mind when she saw young Zelena for the first time?
   Cathy- Ugh this is hard, I'd like to think that Cora finds Zelena, beautiful and strong but because Zelena was an unexpected child, she abandoned her. I really wanted to see the older Zelena and Cora more. I WISH THERE WAS MORE.

5.  Do you wish Cora got to properly meet her grandchildren like Henry met Henry Sr.?
   Cathy- Yes. I mean, she couldn't wait for Regina to have a child! She was actually excited to have a grandchild. Maybe little Henry can soften her heart if they had met.

6. Would Cora be proud of Regina and the Hero she's become or Zelena and all the wicked things she's done?
   Cathy-  She's definitely proud of them. No doubt about it

7. Do you think Cora knew Regina sacrificed her father for the curse?
   Cathy- I don't think so.

8. How do you feel that Snow's mother is the reason why Cora gave up Zelena?
   Cathy- I hate the fact that princess Eva ( that little brat) exposed Cora's secret before she even got a chance to tell Leopold about it. Things could've been different if Princess Eva left Cora alone. This is why Cora abandoned Zelena, She felt the baby was a burden to her when it comes to marriage. I kinda feel like sorry for the both of them really. Scratch that kinds, I feel sorry to Cora and Zelena.

9. Cora often said love is weakness what do you think her weakness is?
   Cathy-  Her weakness is her children, Regina and Zelena. Like " don't fucking touch my children!"

10. Cora was supposed to pretend to be dead and rip Regina's heart out why do you think she changed her mind?
   Cathy-  Because somehow even if she doesn't have a heart, she really loves Regina. And , again it excites her to see Regina getting really powerful like her. A proud mother, really but in a twisted dark way.

Thank you Cathy for the interview I hope you all have a great weekend!!

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