Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Jessica " Figgy" Figueroa Interview

Hello everyone welcome to White Rice Wednesday. It is the premiere day of Survivor Game Changers!! I don't know about you guys but I am so excited !! Today's Survivor interview will be with Millennials Vs GenX castaway Figgy. We chatted about her experience on the show and all things Survivor.

1. What have you been up to since Millennials Vs GenX?
   Figgy- I've been waiting patiently by my phone for Jeff's call about my second chance :p

2. What was the pitch to get rid of Mari the first time Vanua went to tribal?
   Figgy- There had been rumors that possibly  Adam or Zeke had found an idol early on ( at this time, Adam had not found it yet). I for one knew if they did have one, they would not play it for Mari. I needed to cover my butt in case one was played that night so all the votes casted toward me would not get me out, but someone else. No matter what it was between those three... and as much I would have loved to align with Mari, it had to be her.

3. You were part of the dominant alliance after that vote. How close were you guys?
   Figgy- We were super close... even Michaela and I were bonding more. We had the numbers and were in the best shape possible.

4. What did you gather from the Takali tribe when you got to play spy?
   Figgy- I liked all 4 of the Gen-X'ers that joined us on the summit. I gathered that Paul felt like he was in charge and that David was ready to flip come a merge. Cece and I would have worked together long term.

5. Let's talk about Taylor did you have a serious crush on Taylor or was it just an island flirtation?
   Figgy- At first it was my strategy to get in with the boys. It just evolved into something more.

6. Do you believe your alliance with Taylor led to your downfall
   Figgy- 100% I came out guns blazing and Taylor wasn't playing the game at all. He was wanting the experience and I was there to win the title. I thought for our alliance and people saw that I was the brains behind the operation.

7. Why do you think you were voted out over Taylor?
   Figgy- I was 100% voted out over Taylor because I was much more of a threat long term

8. What did you think of Taylor stealing food?
   Figgy- I think what we all thought and that's all I need to say on that matter.

9. What was your favorite moment on the island?
   Figgy- First immunity challenge, solving the puzzle at the end to beat the Gen-X'ers... solving the word puzzle with Michelle and Michaela... and off camera I speared fish on the new Takali tribe and it was AMAZING:)

10. Who would you have took to the end had you have made it to the final three?
   Figgy- Honestly, the best final 3 for me would have been Michelle and Sunday. I told Jay I would have taken him to the end... my word is my bond so it would have been hard to vote him out but I honestly think he would have slit my neck at the end as well.

11. Would you have gone to rocks this season?
   Figgy- HELL NO! I may sound a little insincere saying that... but is my life in the game worth another player's NO. If you choose to do rocks, that's on you. But I would have never have given up my life for another person in my alliance, especially if it were between Zeke or Hannah.

12. Who's story was the most inspirational?
   Figgy- Adam's hands down. As soon as I found out what happened after the game I reached out to him. Even though he voted me out, he is family. And he needed to know his mother was there with him on that island and helped get him to the end. I am getting chills even typing this...

13. Would you ever play again. Is there anything you would do differently?
   Figgy- IN A HEARTBEAT. I'd play my game and fix a thing or two up.

14. Are you still close to anyone from your season?
   Figgy- I keep in touch with a lot of my cast! We are all a bunch of weirdos and I love it

15. Are you excited for Survivor Game Changer?
   Figgy- SO EXCITED! I wonder why some people were chosen but overall, it should be a great one to watch.

Thank you Figgy for the interview . I hope you get a second chance. I hope you all tune in for the 2 hour premiere of Survior Game Changers 8pm on CBS.

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