Friday, February 24, 2017

#FandomFriday Cathy Interview

Hello everyone welcome to another Fandom Friday. I had so much fun asking questions about one of my favorite characters from Once Upon A Time, Cora Mills.  I interviewed Cathy about one of her favorite Once characters . The one and only Cora!!!

1. Did Cora love Henry or was it a marriage of convenience?
   Cathy- I can say that, it is a marriage of convenience cause she badly wants to be a queen or to rise higher in the kingdom. She wants to get out of poverty.

2. Was Cora jealous of the relationship Henry and Regina had?
   Cathy-  No, definitely not jealous. cause she has her own approach, her way on loving her daughter.

3. Do you think Cora wanted revenge on Regina for sending her to Wonderland or do you think she liked ruling her own kingdom?
   Cathy- Nope. On the contrary, I think she was pleased by it. She got challenged cause her daughter was getting stronger, Like the way she wanted

4. What do you think was going through Cora's mind when she saw young Zelena for the first time?
   Cathy- Ugh this is hard, I'd like to think that Cora finds Zelena, beautiful and strong but because Zelena was an unexpected child, she abandoned her. I really wanted to see the older Zelena and Cora more. I WISH THERE WAS MORE.

5.  Do you wish Cora got to properly meet her grandchildren like Henry met Henry Sr.?
   Cathy- Yes. I mean, she couldn't wait for Regina to have a child! She was actually excited to have a grandchild. Maybe little Henry can soften her heart if they had met.

6. Would Cora be proud of Regina and the Hero she's become or Zelena and all the wicked things she's done?
   Cathy-  She's definitely proud of them. No doubt about it

7. Do you think Cora knew Regina sacrificed her father for the curse?
   Cathy- I don't think so.

8. How do you feel that Snow's mother is the reason why Cora gave up Zelena?
   Cathy- I hate the fact that princess Eva ( that little brat) exposed Cora's secret before she even got a chance to tell Leopold about it. Things could've been different if Princess Eva left Cora alone. This is why Cora abandoned Zelena, She felt the baby was a burden to her when it comes to marriage. I kinda feel like sorry for the both of them really. Scratch that kinds, I feel sorry to Cora and Zelena.

9. Cora often said love is weakness what do you think her weakness is?
   Cathy-  Her weakness is her children, Regina and Zelena. Like " don't fucking touch my children!"

10. Cora was supposed to pretend to be dead and rip Regina's heart out why do you think she changed her mind?
   Cathy-  Because somehow even if she doesn't have a heart, she really loves Regina. And , again it excites her to see Regina getting really powerful like her. A proud mother, really but in a twisted dark way.

Thank you Cathy for the interview I hope you all have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Survivor: Adam Klein

Hello everyone welcome to another white rice Wednesday. There will be no Survivor interviews today. Instead I want to discuss and talk about one of my favorite winners and one of my favorite people to ever play the game Adam Klein.

Before the season even started I knew that Adam was something special. As soon as I read his biography I knew he would be this season's winner.

What stood out to me was the fact that he is a homeless shelter manager and volunteers for Relay For Life. Now I know regarding the jury many people have there own opinions and reasoning behind choosing a winner . For me personally it would come down to who would benefit more from the million dollars and who will give back to others in need. As soon as I read his bio I knew Adam would be the perfect winner.

Adam had another reason for playing Survivor he was playing for his mom Suzie who also happened to be a huge Survivor fan was battling stage 4 lung cancer. Many in Adam's position would stay home to be with there loved one, but it was his mother's wish that he go out there and play the game.

As you can see Adam had a lot on his plate.

Adam started on the Vanua tribe aka the Millennial tribe. At the second immunity challenge Vanua lost and was sent to tribal where Adam lost his main alliance member Mari. Now on the bottom Adam had to work his way to the top. He was the first to bring to everyones attention what a huge threat Figgy and Taylor were.

At one point one there was a tribe switch Adam was on the Takali tribe with both Figgy and Taylor. He convinced his tribe to vote out Figgy her being the bigger threat than Taylor. Knowing Taylor would be a lost puppy without her.

Now when the merge hit Adam caught Taylor hiding food from the tribe. I have no respect for people who hide food from the tribe. Adam thinking he could possibly earn some trust from Taylor decided he would share with him an advantage he found. Adam's advantage said that he could steal a reward from somebody in the game. Taylor was only interested in revenge after Adam voted out Figgy. I don't think this was one of Adam's best moves. As a fan watching at home I become greatly concerned about his spot in the game. Taylor decided to tell Jay and try to use this information to convince the jury to vote out Adam for being dishonest to the tribe . Adam stood his ground and revealed while he did share that he does in fact have an advantage and saw Taylor hoard food from the tribe , he did not eat any of the food and in fact Taylor stole and hid food from the tribe. The tribe saw Taylor as the more dishonest and sneaky player and sent him home.

People find advantages and idols all the time in the game but you don't just go and tell your fellow tribe mates that. Stealing food is such  a despicable thing to do to your tribe and this guy showed no remorse for stealing food.

While telling Taylor about his Advantage may not have been one of Adam's best moves , Adam had some priceless moments.

Who can forget this moment when Adam Found the hidden immunity idol. While everyone else in his tribe was goat hunting Adam went to go search for the idol he found a clue eventually leading him to the idol. It was quite an emotional moment when Adam says mom this is for you as we are reminded of who Adam is out there playing for.

Adam also won immunity against challenge best Jay.

He also won immunity a second time

In doing so he was able to convince David's biggest ally Ken to vote David out of the game.

One of the things that fascinated me was the relationship between Adam and Jay. Jay once described there relationship in the game as the yin yang

They were rivals with the same goal to make it to the end. Though at times they were rivals they also shared common ground. We saw that especially at the loved ones visit.

Jay at the loved ones visit that he has two halves to his heart one being his sister the other one is at home . His mother was also dealing with health issues and it is in that moment we see that Jay and Adam are out there playing for the same person there mom.

At the loved ones visit it truly was a bittersweet moment as Adam is reunited with his brother.

This moment we also see that Adam tells his brother and the rest of his tribe that he cant use his reward to steal a loved ones visit from someone. This is what Taylor was saying Adam might potentially do if he made it that far. We learned a lot about Adam's character because any other season someone might just have stole someone's visit. Adam never used his advantage in fact he gave it to Jay to use. This really showed the kind of person Adam is.

At the loved ones visit we learn the heartbreaking news that the treatment Adam's mom was receiving has stopped working and stopped the treatment. I could not imagine being in the game and receiving the news Adam got. Many would quit to go be with there loved one . In fact Jenna Morasca quit in Survivor All Stars to be with her mom who eventually passed away, Adam like his mom kept fighting.

In a crucial moment in the game Adam decided to share this information with Jay.

Adam and Jay have a serious conversation about why they are here. Jay wants to stay in the game and wants to take Adam to the end. Adam decides in that moment to reveal to Jay that his mom has stage 4 lung cancer. Jay could have easily used this information against Adam and tell the other tribe mates, but instead understood because his mom has brain aneurysms. They find common ground and have a heart to heart but at the same time realize they cannot take the other to the end. Adam won respect from Jay and in return Jay earned my respect. My first impressions of Jay were wrong. He and Adam are both exceptional human beings and I would have been proud to see either one of them win. 

But.... only one did...

I don't know about you guys but I was screaming and crying as Jeff read the votes and that last vote that revealed Adam had one I cried tears of joy. Never in my years of watching Survivor did I see a more perfect winner. It was upsetting to me how many thought Adam won by the sympathy vote. Adam could not have told his tribe mates about his mom's health as that would have made him a huge threat and nobody would take him to the end had the learned Adam's secret. He used whatever means he had to win the game. Jeremy Collins withheld that he was going to have a son until the last tribal council. It shows the jury in my opinion that there is another side to you than the one others see in the game .

Adam in fact did give back and give 100,000 of his winnings to Stand Up To Cancer.

Its at the reunion we learn the tragic news that Adam's mom had lost her battle with cancer. She waited for Adam to return home and died an hour after he got home. My heart goes out to Adam and his family. His mom would definitely be proud of Adam and all he has accomplished.

Adam was one of my favorite contestants ever in the history of Survivor. His season Millennials Vs GenX was also one of my favorite seasons. In my mind the jury could not have picked a more deserving winner . Congrats to Adam and I hope you all tune in to the new season of Survivor Wed. March 8 on CBS 8pm.

Friday, February 17, 2017

#FandomFriday Cora Mills Interview

Welcome to another Fandom Friday. Today I interviewed two fans of Barbara Hershey . We talked specificly about her role as Cora Mills/ The Queen of Hearts on Once Upon a Time.

1. Why do you think Cora is popular with Once fans?
   Johanna- Actually I think because she actually lives the American dream in a magical way- she becomes something better than her start in the family she was born in.

AJ- Cora is popular because she began as a delicious, heartless villain who helped mold Regina into the Evil Queen. Even when we saw Cora's background as the miller's daughter, she's always seemed firmly entrenched in that " women with agendas are evil" trope. It wasn't until she got her heart back that a lot of people saw the potential of a non-evil Cora, and I think that made her a bit more relatable and popular.

2.In your mind is Cora a Hero or a Villain?
   Johanna-I think she's really both at the same time

   AJ- As much as I'd like to say Cora with her heart could work through a redemption path toward being a hero like Regina, it's just not a viable option, and she'd be a more tragic hero than even Regina. No, Cora was and will always be a tragic villain, which I find more fascinating in the long run. One note villains, with no depth are boring and commonplace. Cora and her story offer options that everything isn't black and white, but filled with the nuances of grey.

3. Snow once said that Regina loves deeply even without her heart do you think that's the same for Cora?
   Johanna- No, actually don't think so. With Cora, you never know whether she means what she says. The actual only true and deeply honest moment is the one where she is dying. There you can really see her true love for Regina. ( It's by the way the most incredible acting scene from Barbara, besides Shy People!)

   AJ- I think Cora could love very deeply, if she allowed herself to. But she's trained herself to believe that love is weakness, so she fights it with every fiber of her being. And yet, she clearly loves Regina [ and Zelena, though that isn't obvious until the end of her arc], so I think there are things that she was able to teach her daughter about true love.

4. Who was Cora's true love?
   Johanna- Rumpelstiltskin

   AJ- The easy answers are either Rumpelstiltskin or power, but I think her daughters really were. If she didn't have that strong love for her daughters, her ability to transition to a better place from the Underworld wouldn't be possible. It just took her a long time to really realize it.

5. What do you think Cora regrets most?
   Johanna- Good question. Difficult to say. The question maybe is " Does she regret anything of what she has done?" But I think what she regrets most of all is not having raised her two daughters the way she maybe should have done as a mother.

   AJ- I think there are two answers here, depending on where in her timeline you ask. If it's in her arc, she'd regret all of Regina's bad decisions as a queen, which we kind of saw in canon. But later in her arc, once she has her heart again, I think her deepest regret is not knowing her daughters well enough or loving them enough.

6. Do you think Cora was a beloved queen in Wonderland or ruled with an iron fist?
   Johanna- As I have first seen her in ' Once Upon a Time in Wonderland", I was really surprised to find out that she is so extremely cruel in " Once Upon a Time". Actually I expected someone much more nice. So yes, I think she was beloved and really different in Wonderland. Maybe because she was really far away from where she came from, away from her family, maybe that's the reason why she is different in Wonderland.

   AJ- Heartless Cora was never a beloved anything. The only way she'd have been a beloved queen in Wonderland was if she'd had possession of everyone's hearts and forced them to consider her beloved.

7. Favorite Cora episode?
   Johanna- 5x19 " Sisters"

   AJ- This is like asking me which of my furkids is my favorite. It's impossible to choose. But if I had to choose, I'd say either " The Stable Boy", for sentimental reasons , or " Sisters"  for the Mills women bonding and that gorgeous sendoff.

8. How would the Once story change had Cora not been forced to give up Zelena?
   Johanna-  I think it would have been especially different for Regina and Zelena as sisters. Even more than for Cora. I think they would have been best friends already during their childhood.

   AJ- See, that's speculation that is hard to suss out. My gut reaction is that if she had kept Zelena, whether married to Leopold or not, she wouldn't have sought out Henry or become Rumpel's student. No Rumpel , no curse. No Henry , no Regina. Or she and Rumpel would have groomed Zelena for the curse, and things likely would have turned out similarly to what we saw unfold with Regina.

9. Had Cora not moved on to a better place where would her story have gone/
   Johanna- I think she would not have changed that much if she hadn't gone to another place. I think she would have moved on like she always did.

  AJ- Well, by the Underworld rules as we saw laid out, she'd have gone to Tartarus [ or whatever Once would have called it]. The way I understand it, once you go for judgment , that's it. It would have taken an act of Zeus most likely to reverse her final destination, good or bad.

10. Is there a part of Cora's story we haven't seen that you would like to see?
   Johanna- I'd like to see more of her family background, from where she came from. Maybe it's not just that she grew up poor wearing rags etc., maybe there is something more. Something like ( sexual) violence or so. I think it's very likely if you look what she has become during her life.

   AJ- I'm actually curious about her childhood and her mother. most people wouldn't care, choosing to leave her a black-and-white villain, but I like seeing the whole character arc, as it opens up avenues of interpretation and nuance into the character. And I'd really like that for Cora, since her story is so influential to Regina's

11. Cora is gone but would you like to see Barbara Hershey return for flashbacks?
   Johanna-  Yes, that would be really nice. Maybe also to learn more about Cora's youth and childhood, the family background etc., as I said before.

   AJ- I would be thrilled for Cora flashback scenes to see Barbara as Cora again. There are so many options from her backstory and Regina's that we can still explore.

12. Anything we can learn from Cora?
   Johanna- Perhaps that it's human and ( I actually hate that word) " normal" to become the way she has become regarding her family background and situation. I mean, first of all, if you care about yourself, even just a tiny bit, especially as a woman, you just don't want to wear rags. I mean it really harms your self-confidence, doesn't it? So maybe, we can learn that we shouldn't judge anyone without knowing about his or her reasons and background, where he/she comes from! People really judge each other too much without asking and knowing anything about each other. So Cora maybe a start to change that and first look at the cause of somebody who is strange or "evil' or not "normal" ( whatever that is, as Barbara said once...) or whatever.

   AJ-  You may think that love is weakness, but eventually you will learn that it is also strength and can heal wounds you never thought you could.

13. We saw Cora place yellow roses on Daniel's grave was she celebrating he's gone or does she regret she killed him?
   Johanna- Subconsciously, I think it's regret. but she isn't aware of it, I think it's mainly celebrating it and regretting is just subconsciously.

   AJ- I have always seen yellow as a sign of good wishes, friendship, and familial love. In that respect, particularly in the scene in question, I believe Cora's intent with the yellow rose was conciliatory and based in her love for Regina. She was attempting to broker a peace with her daughter, and what better place and color of rose than what we saw? I honestly don't think she ever celebrated Daniel's death; his death was a means to an and of Regina becoming a queen. He meant nothing to Cora, particularly after so many years, so she wouldn't have been celebrating it that many years later.

14. When Cora made it to Storybrooke did she want to make it up to Regina or was her plan to be the dark one all along?
   Johanna-  That's really difficult to say. Cora is a perfect manipulator and you actually ( almost) never know if she's pretending or being honest. I really don't know.

   AJ- I think it was a combination of the two. She wanted the power of the Dark One at her disposal, no matter how she got, but she also likely missed her daughter and wanted to reconcile with her somehow. Cora's motivations have never been solely of the black-and-white, good-versus-evil variety. Even back in her first appearance, there were nuances to her choices.

15. If Cora had made it over with the first curse what would her Storybrooke occupation be?
   Johanna- Maybe she'd become more honest and she'd be a better mother. I think especially concerning Regina. Their relationship could really change for the better if they had more time together. But it could also develop with Zelena for the better. Maybe, she could learn to use her magic in order to help others.

   AJ- Given that Regina gave everyone their occupations, and given her conflicted feelings for her mother, I could honestly see Cora working in the stables. Perhaps not doing the hard labor of it, but running the stables. Something that would give Regina that sense of " satisfaction" and revenge on her mother for Daniel's death. Regina might regret it down the line, but I think in the moment of creating her mother's persona, this would be high on her list, given how much Daniel's death motivated everything she did regarding the curse.

I want to thank AJ and Johanna for letting me interview you about everyone's favorite Queen of Hearts Cora!!! Personally "Sisters" is such a beautiful episode it is by far the best episode of Once Upon A Time. I always thought if Cora was in Storybrooke with the first curse she would be a cardiologist that way she would be ripping hearts out for a living and get payed to do it lol. Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Abi-Maria Gomes Interview

Hello everyone welcome to another White Rice Wednesday . We have seen many characters in Survivor Pretty Boys, Challenge Beats, Underdogs and Hero's. What makes a story great is Villains today I interviewed a well known Survivor Villain Abi- Maria Gomes. Abi played on Survivor Philippines and Second Chance. We talked about her two seasons and of course all things Survivor.

1. What have you been up to since Survivor Second Chance?
   Abi- Focusing on my real estate career, friends, family and some traveling.

2. In Philippines you and R.C. seemed to hit it off but than you started not to trust her. Can you explain what happened.
   Abi- Everything happens very quickly on the island. We hit it off, but I felt like she was getting closer to Skupin and I was injured. I thought I had to come off strong in personality since I was weak physically.

3. Have you kept in touch with R.C.?
   Abi- Not really , I am extremely busy

4. How excited were you to be picked for a Second Chance?
   Abi- I was over the moon

5. The Witches Coven was in my opinion one of the best parts of Second Chance. What was the game plan for you guys?
   Abi- To live another day.

6. As a jury member if Kelley Wentworth won the last immunity challenge did she have a good chance at beating Jeremy?
   Abi- I think She had a huge shot, she played great!

7. When you were on Second Chance do you think you redeemed yourself from your previous reputation?
   Abi- I did the best I could to survive another day

8. Why do you think you are known as a Villain?
   Abi- Because I am a strong woman with a strong personality, plus I wasn't beating around the bush

9. Trust and loyalty seemed to be big for you. Once that trust is broken can trust and loyalty be restored?
   Abi- Trust and loyalty are very important on the game of Survivor, just like restoring those are as important. there is always room in working in a relationship.

10. Is there anything you regret in Philippines or Second Chance?
   Abi- Many things. What is done, can't come back, so I try and let go

11. What advice would you give to aspiring Survivor contestants?
   Abi- Listen to yourself, intuition. Be strong( mentally and physically) the game is harder then you think. You only see a fraction on TV.

12. Are you excited for Survivor Game Changers?
   Abi-  Very excited!

Abi thank you so much for taking the time to let me interview you. I hope you all enjoyed my interview and are excited as I am for Survivor Game Changers.