Sunday, February 18, 2018

Rebecca Mader Fans Interview

Hello everyone today this blog post is dedicated to Rebecca Mader. Who is she you might ask?
 Most Once Upon a Time fans know her as Zelena/ Wicked Witch. I interviewed some of her fans to show how much we love and care about Bex.

1. When did you become part of #MyPretties ( Bex Fans) ?

Kendra- I started binging Once Upon a Time 4 months ago, so I would say four months.
Mikayla- October 2, 2016
Katie- When she was in Lost ( 2008).
Hollie- I first became a fan of Bex when I first watched Once Upon a Time in 2015/16.
Nicole- I first decided I was a My Pretty, , when we met Zelena in 3x12 in New York City Serenade, there was something about her I instantly loved!! She was just an unapologetic badass and I loved that!
Alyssa- Two and a half years a go
Me- That teaser in Season 3 when we saw the Stroybrooke road change to the yellow brick road. I was instantly drawn.

2. What is your favorite Zelena centric episode?

Kendra- Season 6 episode 18. This episode is my favorite because it shows the sacrifice she makes in order to save everyone. It really demonstrates the progress that Zelena has made as a person too.
Mikayla- Sisters
Katie- Sisters the episode is called.
Hollie- I love the episode called Kansas where we find out about Zelena's past with Glinda and Dorothy.
Nicole- It's Not Easy Being Green
Alyssa- Sisters in Season 5
Me- Sisters such a beautifully written episode and probably When the Bluebirds Fly because it shows how much Zelena has changed and who she has become.

3. What do you think is Zelena's biggest regret?

Kendra- Spending so much time wanting to take Regina down rather than getting to know her.
Mikayla- Bringing Hades back.
Katie- Probably fighting with her sister.
Hollie- I think Zelena doesn't regret many things because as else they wouldn't make her the person she is today and she wouldn't have her daughter. However one thing I think she may regret is falling for Hades because she nearly lost her sister and as much as Regina and her have a complicated relationship she is the only family Zelena has other than her daughter. I think she also regrets falling for Hades because her daughter has had to grow up without her dad.
Nicole- Not reconciling her envy towards Regina sooner and wasting time on seeking revenge.
Alyssa- Inadvertently killing Robin.
Me- That she had a baby just to make Regina jealous because she couldn't have her own biological children and Zelena took it a step further by having a baby with Regina's soul mate. Not that Zelena regret her daughter just the way she was conceived . I also think she truly regrets her daughter has to grow up without her father.

4. Is Zelena in your opinion a hero or a villain?

Kendra- A reformed villain that has proved her self as a hero.
Mikayla- Hero
Katie- She can be a hero and a villain, but I see her as a hero.
Hollie- In my opinion I think Zelena is both a hero and a villain. As they say evil isn't born it's made. She became wicked because she felt like nobody loved her. I think Zelena just wanted to feel accepted and wanted. She has been a Villain at times but she has also been a hero at times when she got rid of Hades. Everyone has good and bad in them even the darkest of people.
Nicole- Hero
Alyssa- She's a hero now, but only since the back half of S6
Me- I think she has been misunderstood. She had a complicated and trouble past that led her down the wrong path, but it made her the person she is and she is stronger and much wiser. She has redeemed herself becoming a hero.

5. What role would you like to see Bex play?

Kendra- Lana's bff on anything!
Mikayla- As the wicked witch in a Wizard of Oz remake.
Katie- If you mean in Once I'd be interested in her playing Belle and in another show I'd like to see her do something medical.
Hollie- I'm not exactly sure but I think Bex is such an amazing, talented actress she will be great in anything that she is in.
Nicole- I'd love to see her and Lana in a modern day Thelma and Louise lol.
Alyssa- I'd love to see her sing more since she really seemed to enjoy it and she did wonderful with it.
Me- I would like to see Bex play a mentor to a troubled teen. I would also like to see her in another fairytale show

6. Is there a show you would like to see Bex in?

Kendra- They should bring back Swingtown and have Bex play Trina Decker's new obsession!
Mikayla- 114th Doctor in Doctor Who
Katie- Grey's Anatomy
Hollie- I would love to have seen Bex in Pretty Little Liars as that's another one of my TV shows but the show finished last year. However there is a new PLL spin off and I think Bex would be amazing in it!!
Nicole- I'd love to see her and Lana in a modern day Thelma and Louise lol.
Alyssa- Grey's Anatomy and/ or One Day at a Time.
Me- Game of Thrones she would be one badass queen. I would love to watch her compete on Survivor.

7. Describe the relationship between Bex and Lana.

Kendra- Goofy, genuine, fun, True LOVE.
Mikayla- Made by God
Katie- Lana and Bex have a beautiful and unique friendship.
Hollie- I love the relationship between Bex and Lana because they are like real life sisters not just on the show. They are so beautiful and kind and the love they have for each is just so cute!! Honestly love them so much.
Nicole- Absolutely lovely, they are friendship goals.
Alyssa- Friendship goals. Like truly they are so supportive of each other and are actual sisters.
Me- None like I have seen before. They are friendship goals. Its amazing how they are sisters outside of Once.

8. What have you learned from Bex/Zelena?

Kendra- Accept yourself for who you are.
Mikayla-  To always be myself and to never give up.
Katie- I have learned that anything can be forgiven if you try hard enough to prove you can change.
Hollie- I have learned from Zelena that no matter how wicked you can be there is always a reason behind it and there is good in everyone deep down just trying to get free. Bex has taught me that you should always be yourself and to always be positive about every situation.
Nicole- The biggest things I've learned is that no matter what settle your differences with family bc there will come a time when family is all you have / there's nothing better than a sister and that " this too shall pass" so don't sweat the small stuff.
Alyssa- That life can be pretty crappy but if you stay positive and stick with your friends you can get through anything.
Me- I have learned to accept myself for I am, to embrace my talents and not be ashamed of them or who I am . Its ok to be different its what makes you wicked;)

9. If you could change anything about Zelena's past to improve her life now what would you change?

Kendra- For Cora to not have given them the memory potion to forget they were sisters.
Mikayla- Nothing bc if anything was changed she wouldn't have become the wicked witch, she wouldn't become redeemed and she wouldn't have her daughter.
Katie-  I would make sure that she grew up with Regina.
Hollie- If I could change anything about Zelena's past I would change the people who found her because she deserved so much better. I would also have had someone teach her how to do magic but not dark magic light magic. If Zelena maybe had someone she trusted and loved when she was younger and who accepted her for her maybe she wouldn't have taken the path she did.
Nicole- I think I would change her " adoptive" parents not allowing her to use magic. I think she should've been taught like Regina did from Rumple.
Alyssa- I'd change Rumple " killing " her in the end of S3 and seeing her and Regina work things out before the whole Marian fiasco
Me- I would change Cora sending Zelena back to her abusive parents.

10. If you could meet Bex now what would you say?

Kendra- I would tell her that she is a beacon of light in this dark world. Not only are you incredibly talented, but your social media presence gives me such joy  and I can always count on her to make me laugh.
Mikayla- The first time I met you it was on Twitter and I was going to end my life. You liked my tweet and I realized that I was loved. When I found you I was hopeless and I wanted to give up, but you became my inspiration. Thank you for being my hero. You loved me when I thought I was unlovable.
Katie- If I met Bex right now I'd ask her for a hug.
Hollie- If I met Bex the first thing I would do is give her a hug and probably cry but I would thank her for everything she has taught me so many amazing things and brings so much joy to me whether that's watching her on TV or reading her tweets. I'm just so proud of her .
Nicole- Oh god umm where to begin... I love you and thank you for being one of the best role models a girl could ask for... in reality if I ever met her I'd prob be speechless bc well its Bex Mader like one of the most gorgeous and inspiring actresses ever.
Alyssa- Thanks for helping me find friends in this world. Stay Wicked<3
Me- Thank you for saving my life and inspiring me to go after my dreams. I have Aspergers and never felt like I had friends but you made me feel like I belong. I know embrace my talents instead of hiding them. I wouldn't have become the person I am without you.

Bex has changed so many peoples lives for the better . She is such a treasure to us all. We love you Bex! thank you for being our role model and hero .

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