Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Cora Mills Hero? Villain?

Hi everyone I know its been awhile. With all the mixed reviews about the new season of Once Upon A Time I couldn't help but think What If? Once of my favorite characters in the series was killed back in season 2 she returned in season 5 only to move on to a better place. That character would be none other than Cora Mills.

Cora is played by the exceptionally talented actress Barbara Hershey

When people think of Cora Mills what do you think comes to there mind of course most would say a villain but to me she is a hero. Let me take just a few moments of your time to explain.

Cora Mills .... Lets begin

Cora was the daughter of a drunk miller and had to work in a bar where she met Prince Jonathan or so he said he was a prince.


This relationship led to a pregnancy . A desperate Cora by luck meets Prince Leopold. About to be king and anxious to start a family this seemed like a good situation for Cora. She will get to live a new life and her child will be brought up in a life that Cora could only dream of. Johnathan heard of Cora now engaged to Leopold and tries to blackmail her into giving him riches. He doesn't even care about the child Cora is carrying just money. This whole conversation is heard by Eva who's is none other than... Snow Whites mother. Jealous at the fact she isn't marrying the king and that the king is more interested in Cora she decides to tell Leopold that Cora is pregnant. The king outraged banishes Cora and marries Eva instead. Cora then has no choice but to give up her baby who we later learn is Zelena .

A few years later Cora delivers flour to the castle and is tripped by Eva ( of course) wanting to prove she is more than a Millers Daughter says to the court that she can spin straw into gold. She gets lessons on how to spin straw into gold from Rumplestiltskin .


Cora loved Rumple but after a talk with King Xavier who informs her that love is weakness( Cora's Catchphrase) and decides to end her relationship with Rumple and marry Prince Henry.( There has been an interesting theory for years that Rumple is Regina's real father since Cora had originally promised Rumple her first born child but had him change the contract to promise him there first born child. ) Cora married Henry and she gave birth to Regina for one day she will be queen.

Cora never wanted Regina to grow up the way she did even without her heart Cora loved Regina deeply she just showed it in all the wrong ways. When Regina was a child Regina was injured by magic . Only blood magic could save her but since Cora was the reason behind Regina's pain ( Regina was lonely and wanted Cora to spend time with her ) Cora than desperate to save her only child enlists the help of the daughter she gave away Zelena.


What I liked about this scene was when Zelenas father said your mother isn't here to protect you anymore when poof there is your real mother. Also the fact it shows what I said earlier how much Cora loved Regina even without her heart. Cora impressed by Zelenas magic she can also see how well Regina and Zelena are getting along but in that moment realizes something Zelena could jeopardized Regina's status and ruin Cora's reputation ( Zelena being a child born out of wedlock) led to this scene


This was an amazing scene. Not because Regina and Zelena were separated that was heart breaking. Its the fact that Barbara's acting is so good I forgot that Cora didn't have her heart.

Another way Cora was trying to protect her daughter was Daniel. See Regina was in love with the family stable boy Daniel but Cora not wanting Regina to follow in her footsteps and and repeat her mistakes wanted Regina to instead marry King Leopold  the man Cora wanted to marry years before ( That part creeped me out a bit) Snow White then told Cora about Daniel and Regina's relationship. Cora then proceeds to Kill Daniel ... not her finest moment . Regina than banished Cora to Wonderland which actually worked out to Cora's Benefit and we find out she is none other than the Queen Of Hearts .

In Wonderland the men don't play a huge role the women outrank the men. We never got to see how Cora became the Queen Of Hearts or how she ruled as a Queen. Like did her people love and respect her? was she a beloved queen in Wonderland. We got a little bit of a look at her time as queen in the OUAT Wonderland Spinoff . Cora Meets Anastasia the Red Queen  and kind of takes her under her wing. Anastasia had a very similar background as Cora did and she tried to show her there was a better life out there for her that she was more than just a commoner. She didn't want to see the same thing that happened to her happen to Anastasia so she convinces her to Abandon Will and become queen. Not only that but Cora also became her teacher and taught Anastasia magic which led to this epic scene.


This is one of my favorite scenes I've watched on TV cause once again shows how talented Barbara is but its what she says here " You don't need anyone's approval whoever it was that made you feel this way that you were flawed or unworthy You need to take that pain the fear that they were right and use it as the root of your power let it drive the magic PROVE THEM ALL WRONG!!! This scene really was personal to me and meant so much . I felt as though Cora /Barbara was speaking right to me . I have always felt like I was flawed and unworthy compared to other people. I never forgot this scene it means a lot to me . To me it says don't be afraid to be yourself let it be the power behind what you do and prove them wrong . It inspires me everyday and I have Cora to thank for that.

Cora still visited her daughter Regina while in Wonderland . Like the time Cora wanted Regina to have a child. She was supposed to Help Regina find Robin Hood but thought the Sheriff of Nottingham was a better match. This caused Regina to brew up a potion that would make her infertile so Cora wouldn't have a claim to the thrown . I believe Cora truly wanted Regina happy and as Cora said to Regina she was ruining her own happiness. This actually was key in the Once story cause had Regina had not become infertile she would have never adopted Henry.

Cora also visited Regina on her birthday and quite impressively was able to get Snow Whites heart in an hour something that Regina had yet to do. Regina later banished her back to Wonderland but Cora was not alone she took Regina's dad Henry with her .

Years later When Hook visited Wonderland with the intention to kill Cora ( He couldn't because after all she's the Queen Of Hearts Do you really think she keeps her heart where everybody else does?) started an unlikely alliance. After finding out Regina was behind Hook trying to Kill her Cora wants to rip Regina's heart out again not her finest moment., but after hearing Regina's heartfelt speech about how much she means to Regina and how she became the person she is without  her she changes her mind. Cora than freezes part of the fairytale land so that when Regina's curse hits they will be frozen.

After the curse Cora and Hook are on a race to Storybrooke against Emma and Snow. When they finally face each other Cora tries unsuccessfully to rip out Emma's heart. In that moment Cora learns that love isn't weakness its Strength. Although they didn't make it to Storybrooke through the portal they made it on Hook's ship the Joly Roger. Cora wants to find her daughter . Regina having nobody turns to her mother when nobody else would give her a chance in an effort to get her son Henry back. Although Cora also wanted her family back she also wanted something greater to become the Dark One. Once the Dark One dies its power goes to someone else and Cora wanted that so they could have everything they always wanted.

One episode in particular we see that Cora in the past actually did get revenge. In the episode 2x15 The Queen Is Dead we find out Cora killed Eva. I didn't feel sorry for Eva after what she put Cora and her family through. Eva is the reason Cora had to give up Zelena, Why she couldn't marry Leopold, why Cora was so obsessed with power and status. leading to Zelena becoming the Wicked Witch Of The West


This episode also led to Coras Demise. While Cora was disguised as The Blue Fairy she told a young Snow about a candle that could save a life but take another in return if you light it and say the sacrifices name three times. Snow used this to kill Cora by doing just that and dripping the candle on Coras heart. I was Heartbroken by this and it fueled my hatred for Snow White because little miss high and mighty couldn't get her hands dirty. She manipulated Regina into killing her own mother. All Regina wanted was her mother to love her and Snow Knew that . She informed her what life could be like with heart inside her or let become the Dark One implying that the Charmings will see Regina as enemy if she lets that happen led to this scene.


Cora revealed that Rumple was the only man she ever truly loved. While I believe Cora truly loved Rumple I don't think Cora needed a man to accomplish what she needed to do to get her best chance at changing her life.

This scene was so heartbreaking because for a Brief moment we got to see Cora with her heart back and what could have been. Regina tragically loses her mom and we lose our beloved character Cora.

Cora returns in season 5 in the 100th episode in Underworld. Cora and Regina are reunited and happy to see each other.

 What we don't know is that Cora is being blackmailed by Hades to get Regina to leave Storybrooke jeopardizing there new relationship. Hades than goes back on his word and as punishment for Cora failing to get Regina to leave Underbrooke he changes her into the Millers Daughter that she was years ago. This was hard to watch because you can see the Heartbreak in her eyes. Cora fought for years to be rid of her past and be something more than a Millers Daughter.


Cora is rescued by her old friend Hook. She than helps Regina in trying to help Zelena be free from Hades. Zelena is in love with him and doesn't see how evil he really is. Cora than meets Zelena and she informs Zelena that she deeply regrets giving her up years ago. Zelena is trying to fill the void in her heart that Cora left explaining why she's with Hades and tries to convince Zelena to leave Hades. Zelena thinks Cora wasn't sincere when she figures out Regina is there and they almost fight until Cora Breaks it up . Cora than restores there memories and Zelena and Regina remember meeting each other years ago.


I love how Cora smiles proudly at Regina and says how proud she is of the person she's become and how strong she and that she got that strength from the people that she loves. Then when She speaks to Zelena and says how again she regretted giving her up. All her girls ever wanted was for there mother to be proud of them and to be worthy of her love.

The hardest scene for me ever to watch was when Cora said goodbye to Regina and Zelena.


This says it all what a powerful and beautiful scene brilliant work by Lana, Bex and especially Barbara . This episode showcases her talent and shows what a classy treasure Barbara is. Cora wanted to be strong for her girls and didn't want them to see her cry as she left them. Reuniting her daughter redeemed Cora and was able to move on to a better place. ( though I think a better place would be in Storybrooke)

You never stop being connected to characters even when they leave. They are always there with you. If we can take anything from Cora and what I learned is that nobody is perfect. We all make mistakes its never to late to change. If you want to change yourself never lose sight of who you are because for the people that thought you were weak and unworthy you will prove them all wrong and that is true strength.

To many Cora may seem like a villain but to me Cora is so misunderstood. Cora has changed me for the better and I am forever grateful to her and her portrayer Barbara for what they have done for me . To me both Barbara and Cora are my Hero.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Sunday Burquest Interview

Hello everyone its White rice Wednesday!! How is everyone enjoying Survivor Game Changers? Todays interview will be with Millennials Vs GenX  castaway Sunday Burquest. We chatted about her Survivor experience and all things Survivor.

1. What have you been up to since Millennials vs GenX?
   Sunday- Im busy with my family, especially kids. My oldest got married this fall and I have one graduating this spring. Resigned from my job to be a public speaker full time. I'm working on my business plan and speaking out, I'm also involved in several charities for cancer/breast cancer.

2. What started the rivalry between you and Jessica?
   Sunday- The rivalry with Jessica started after the Paul vote. Because we blindsided Paul, it took Chris and Bret off guard, The next day we had to repair it with them and for some reason that didn't happen as well with Jessica. I tried speaking on both our behalves but things just didn't go back to the way they were. Then I had to vote for Jessica because I was told before tribal there were enough votes for her to go home- so if I didn't vote for her and she does go home I come back to no alliance. I continued the idea that we were voting for someone else. Of course, she was upset about when she came back to camp(because of David). The next day we swapped and there was no time to repair it. We just couldn't get back to that place we started with. So in my mind it was just a matter who was going to go first. We all felt terrible she drew the black rock, however , it was everyone's choice to draw, any one person could have changed their vote to avoid the rock draw, so it's really not one person's fault- even though we felt awful for her( someone was going to get the black rock).


3. You and Bret had a tight alliance how close were you guys?
   Sunday- Bret and I aligned day 2 deciding we could never write each other's names down. I can't imagine going through the game without him. We think a lot alike- it  was like having one of my brothers there.

4. Everyone seemed close and accepting. How did it feel when Bret came out to you guys at ponderosa?
   Sunday- When Bret came out first, we all thought he was joking, because we were all lying about our " real jobs" at Ponderosa. He's the last person you'd expect to be gay. It made me respect him for the courage it took and just made me even more glad that he was my friend.


5. Having survived cancer did you feel connected to Adam's story?
   Sunday-  I did feel connected to Adam- although during the game we had no idea things were as bad as they were. Once we found out at tribal- my heart went out to him and I felt a connection with him, being I'm the mom with cancer and he's the kid whose mom has cancer ( like my own kids).

6. How did it feel seeing your husband come out for the loved one's visit
   Sunday- Seeing my husband was surreal. I needed that so bad and it was completely overwhelming.

7. A lot of people wanted to take you to the final three why do you think that is?
   Sunday- First, I don't feel like a lot of people wanted to take me to the end, maybe a few- but at the time- during the game, this was not my feeling. For those that would have wanted to sit with me, obviously, they felt they made bigger moves and depending on the person that would be true. it all depends on who the other 2 are that you are siting with. My strength was my social game and I still had moves I had wanted to make before being sent home.

8. Were you nervous about going to rocks this season?
   Sunday-  Totally nervous about rocks- how could you not be? But  by the time we were going to rocks, I was pretty ticked off so at the moment I wasn't feeling the nerves as much- later I was  like HOLY CRAP!

9. If you had made it to the final three what would have been your pitch to the jury as to why you deserved to be Sole Survivor?
   Sunday- Has I made it to the final three my pitch would have been my social game, my connections across tribes and ages- almost everyone totally trusted me. I had relationships to work within both alliances. If I were at the final three it would have been there because I would have had the chance t make the final moves I was looking to make.


10. You have survived cancer how are you doing now?
   Sunday- I'm doing great as far as cancer goes- my 5 year anniversary is April 11th which is a big deal.

11. How did surviving cancer impact your game on Survivor?
   Sunday-  Getting through cancer really gave me the confidence and realization that could get through anything. Just getting through cancer- really proves to yourself you can do anything.

12. Would you ever play the game again?
   Sunday- Yes  for sure I'd play again in a second if given the chance.

13. Do you still keep in touch with anyone from your season?
   Sunday-  Yes I keep in touch pretty much with everyone.

14. Who are you rooting for on Survivor Game Changers?
   Sunday-  I'm rooting for Sara, Brad, Zeke and Michaela.


Thank you Sunday for the interview . I hope you all tune into CBS 8pm to watch Survivor Game Changers.

Check out Sunday's site:


Sunday, March 19, 2017

Isabella Blake Thomas Interview

Hello everyone it's Once day!! I interviewed Isabella Blake Thomas " Young Zelena" on Once Upon A Time.

1. Having played young Zelena and seen Zelena now what do you think of her as a character?
   Isabella- She is such fun to play because I get to have magic

2. What did Zelena think when Cora rescued her from her father?
   Isabella- She was relived because she just wanted to be loved.


3. Zelena and Regina seemed like best friends as children. Is that something that Zelena always wanted?
   Isabella- She just wanted to be loved so to find out she had a sister was a very special moment.

4. How do you think Zelena felt being separated from Regina?
    Isabella- She was very sad.


5. When Zelena learned she and Regina were sisters did it break Zelena's heart that Cora didn't want Zelena and was going to send her back to her father?
   Isabella- Zelena wanted to stay with her new friend


6. What do you hope happens next to Zelena?
   Isabella- She finds some friends.

7. Did you get to meet Rebecca Mader on set?
   Isabella- Yes I did, she calls me her mini me!

8. Can Zelena be redeemed or will she stay wicked?
   Isabella- Wicked is a point of view

9. What can we learn from Zelena?
   Isabella- You can change

10. Will we get to see you as young Zelena again?
   Isabella- You will have to wait and see.


Isabella thank you so much for the interview. I hope you all tune into Once Upon A Time tonight 8pm on ABC.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Neal Gottlieb Interview

Hello everyone and welcome to another White rice Wednesday. Today I interview fellow Kaoh Rong castaway Neal Gottlieb. We talked about his Survivor experience and all things Survivor.

1. What have you been up to since Survivor Kaoh Rong?
   Neal- I continue to live in dandy mode growing my ice cream company, traveling, rabble rousing and generally loving life.

2. You and Aubry had a tight alliance in the game. Do you guys still keep in touch?
   Neal- Yes, Aubry is a great person and dear friend. I'm not a huge texter but we do stay in touch and I've been lucky to see her a couple times since our season ended.

3. You were one of the people to be med evaced . What was going through your mind when Jeff said you were being pulled from the game?
   Neal- I actually packed up my bag for the individual immunity challenge on Day 19 thinking that I was going to get pulled from the game there. But, when that didn't happen, I thought that I was safe. However, when I saw Jeff on a boat heading to our beach that afternoon, I knew that I was about to be put down like a racehorse with a broken leg. By the time he actually pulled me, while devastated, I was not surprised.


4. Michele won an advantage where she got to vote out a jury member. Why do you think she picked you?
   Neal- Michele and I had a bit of a rough relationship in the game. She perceived that I was harsh on her relating to her challenge performances and knew that I was tight with Aubs. I believe that she thought that I was going to be a little snarky with my questioning at Final Tribal, so it made sense to dispose of me. And, she was right...


5. What was your game plan had you not been med evaced?
   Neal- It's hard to spell out your journey to the end when you don't even make it to the halfway point. But, I had some friends out there, an immunity idol, the ability to win a challenge or two and the smarts to make it to the end. Oh well, maybe next time...

6. Who would you have taken to the end?
   Neal- I was committed to taking Aubry to the end and duking it out with her there. I would have also loved to have Debbie or Joe there for an all Brains final tribal.

7.If you were not voted out by Michele what pitch would you have made to the jury in trying to persuade them to vote for your sole survivor pick?
   Neal- I'm not entirely sure but it probably would have started with, " You thought that you were a bad ass bitch coming out here..." P.S. she called herself a bad ass bitch both in her application video and out there. I was merely disagreeing with her assessment while exiting. Turns out that she was a bad ass and brought home the win.

8. Who was your seasons Hero and Villain and why?
   Neal- I think that Aubry was the greatest hero of the lot, pulling herself together from a really tough start and damn near wining the thing. The villain is neither worth my time writing about nor your time reading.

9. Do you regret anything during your season?
   Neal- I regretted not giving the idol to Aubry about five minutes after getting pulled from the game. But, seeing that she definitely did not need it, I now regret previously regretting that decision.

10. Would you ever play again?
   Neal- In a second ( if work allows). I still have some winning to do.

11. How's the ice cream business?
   Neal- It's great. It keeps on getting bigger and bigger while giving me a life that's filled with fun, challenge and opportunities that I never would have imagined.

12. Are you excited for Survivor Game Changers?
   Neal- I am thrilled. Not only do I get to see four of my KR family go at it but at this point I've been lucky to meet most of the other players. I am so excited that I had a new pair of pants made for the season. Jeff Probst is going to either love them or hate them.

Neal thank you so much for the interview . I hope you all tune into CBS 8pm tonight for another episode of Survivor Game Changers.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Ali Skovbye Interview

Hello everyone its Once Day! Today I interviewed Ali Skovbye she plays Grace/Paige The Mad Hatters daughter. We talked about her role as Grace and all things Once.

1. What was it like to work with Sebastian Stan?
   Ali-  Working with Sebastian Stan was a lot of fun. He was super nice to me and he's a very good actor. You can see in our scenes together how much he cares for Grace... Its's a very natural reaction for him. You really feel badly for him when he can't buy me the rabbit.

2. What was Grace's reaction when she saw Jefferson for the first time after the curse?
   Ali-  I always knew he would come back for me so I was just so happy he found me.

3. How did Grace feel that Jefferson abandoned her?
   Ali-  Sad of course. I loved my papa. I don't care that I didn't have anything. All I needed was him.

4. A lot of people see Henry and Grace as a couple do you ship Henry and Grace together?
   Ali- Yes people ask often about Henry and I. I'm still not really sure what you mean by shipping?? But does Henry not have a girlfriend now? When they were auditioning for Violet they called me in as well. But then realized that I was Grace/ Paige and that I could not play another character on the show as my character has a big following and so another girl was cast.

5. Who was Grace's adoptive parents any fairytale characters?
   Ali-  That's a story line that would be fun to visit. Many theories out there as to who my mom is. Maybe the writers will go back to that one day.

6. Will we see Grace again?
   Ali- You would have to ask Adam and Eddie that question

7. Have you been keeping up with the current seasons of Once?
   Ali- I've been filming for the last three months so I have not had time this season. I'm almost finished then I will binge watch and catch up.

8. I Jefferson a Hero or a Villain?
   Ali- A Hero of course.

9. Favorite Once actor you got to meet?
   Ali- Hands down Lana. She's beautiful and kind and smart. She was super nice on set and was funny too.

10. Who do you think Grace's mom is a lot of people think it's Regina.
   Ali- They do I know :) How cool would that be??

Ali thank you so much for the interview I hope you all tune in to Once Upon A Time tonight 8pm on ABC.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Hearts of Reality

Hi everyone are you a Survivor fan like me? Are you looking for a way to meet some of your Survivor heros well here's your chance!!

It's a chance to meet your favorite reality stars but also give back. The Hearts of Reality weekend celebration is to raise money for Give Kids The World.


Here is some of your favorite Survivor castaways attending.

Adam Klein- Millenials Vs GenX Winner

Tina Wesson- Australian Outback Winner, All Stars, Blood Vs Water

Ken McNickle- Millenials Vs GenX

Michele Fitzgerald- Kaoh Rong Winner

Kim Spradlin- One World Winner

Jay Starrett- Millenials Vs GenX

Tai Tang- Kaoh Rong, Game Changers

Caleb Reynolds- Kaoh Rong, Game Changers

Debbie Wanner- Kaoh Rong, Game Changers

Rob Mariano- Marquesas, All Stars, Heroes Vs Villains, Redemption Island Winner

Sarah Lacina- Cagayan, Game Changers

Troyzan Robertson- One World, Game Changers

Phillip Sheppard- Redemption Island, Caramoan

Bruce Kanegai- Panama

Anna Khait- Kaoh Rong

Kimmi Kappenburg- Australian Outback, Cambodia

Neleh Nielson- Marquesas

Keith Nale- San Juan Del Sur, Cambodia

Jessica " Figgy" Figueroa- Millenials Vs GenX

Tasha Fox- Cagayan, Cambodia

Trish Hegarty- Cagayan

Tanya Vance- Thailand

Kelly Shim- Nicaragua

Carolyn Rivera- Worlds Apart

Cristina Coria- Cook Islands

Yau-Man Chan- Fiji, Micronesia

Gillian Larson- Gabon

Joe Del Campo- Kaoh Rong

Jane Bright- Nicaragua

Christa Hastie- Pearl Islands

Leslie Nease- China

Gina Crews- Marquesas

Peih-Gee Law- China, Cambodia

Coby Archa- Palau

John Carroll- Marquesas

Jessie Camacho- Africa

Lots of amazing guests and I'm sure more are to come.

For more info on the Hearts Of Reality event go to
